Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Top 25 Free Tools for VMware vSphere presented by David Davis and Kendrick Coleman

The guys have uploaded a video.

Top 25 Free Tools for VMware vSphere presented by David Davis and Kendrick Coleman

Below are links to some of free tools available.  Some sites have multiple tools.



Kendrick Coleman

1. http://read.virtualizeplanet.com/?p=381
2. http://labs.vmware.com/flings/vcma
3. http://labs.vmware.com/flings/boomerang
4. http://labs.vmware.com/flings/vgc
5. http://labs.vmware.com/flings/cloudcleaner
6. http://labs.vmware.com/flings/onyx
7. http://labs.vmware.com/flings/xvp
8. http://www.veeam.com/esxi-monitoring-free.html?ad=menu Veeam Monitor
9. http://www.robware.net/ RVtools
10. http://www.vmturbo.com/products/community-edition/
11. http://xtravirt.com/valarm-free-desktop-tool-for-monitoring-vcenter-alarms
12. http://xtravirt.com/vsphere-client-rdp-plug-in
13. http://xangati.com/try-it-free/
14. http://www.vkernel.com/products/free-vm-assessment-tools
15. http://powergui.org/index.jspa
16. http://www.quest.com/powergui-freeware/
17. http://www.virtuallyghetto.com/p/vghetto-script-repository.html
18. http://nickapedia.com/2011/11/03/straighten-up-with-a-new-uber-tool-presenting-uberalign/
19. http://www.run-virtual.com/?page_id=38
20. http://www.thinware.net/Products/vBackup/tabid/202/Default.aspx

Friday, January 13, 2012

VMware vMotion in VMware vSphere 5: Architecture, Performance & Best Practices (VSP2122)

For people who couldnt get to VMworld here a good session that has been uploaded.

VMware vMotion in VMware vSphere 5: Architecture, Performance & Best Practices (VSP2122)

  • Architecture
  • Enhancements in vSphere 5
  • Testing Metholodogy
  • Perfrormance and test Results
  • Best Practice
  • Conclusions
